Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Attitude: Part 3

Wonderful, here we are again! As usual are you alone and are you using your time for YOU?

Lets continue where we left off in Attitude: Part 2. Cue cards, they might seem small and insignificant, but repetition is important as it will foster a positive mindset. Rotate your cue cards between the different locations so that you do not become bored with them, even add one or two extras, soon you will find they 'pop-up' in your thoughts during the day.

Remember, your action speaks much louder than your words...people will notice the change your are making and know this: it is a misconception that only rich people or famous people or top athlete's or public figures are 'role models' or examples to others. YOU are already a positive example and role model for people around you, especially those close to you (your kids, parents, spouse, co-workers); believe me! NO, ask them?

Your attitude dictates your actions. Think of something you desire. What will your attitude be to get it or achieve it? Our attitude at the beginning of a task will almost always affect its outcome; more than anything else. We live in uncertain times, this is not a perfect world. Count on one thing though, and that is: YOU are the one thing YOU can depend and count on!

Are you pro-active or re-active in your approach of achieving your goals? Attack or let me rather say, achieve your goals with your eyes on the benefits, not on the barriers. Can you see how a small adjustment in focus can make a huge difference?

All this attitude stuff and changing our thinking from negative to a positive affirmation thinking will feel awkward to you at first; but really, know this, you have an opportunity to experience significant growth. Evolve ~ Improve! Do not for one moment think that the changes you desire are going to happen accidentally. NOPE, you are going to need enthusiasm, optimism and a positive energy. You need to intentionally feed your mind with positive uplifting thoughts, ideas and images. Does the use of the cue cards make sense to you now?

Know this, if you don't already, people have selective memory and some even selective thinking. We see what we are prepared to see...We hear what we want to hear...don't let other people see and hear for you. You are the master of your own destiny. I challenge you to be creative, think creative, see creative, hear creative, ACT creative!

When you are creative, you are happy! I have never come across a person being absolutely creative and sad at the same time. To me happiness is not what happens to me; but what happens in me. True or False? We cannot choose what we go through BUT we can choose how we go through it.

And your answer is?

My answer is True! My attitude towards the situation, my positive mindset, my creativity with which I address the situation and my genuine desire to succeed will help me come out on the other side as a HAPPY person.

I truly hope you take to heart what I'm sharing with you here. I know that life is not all Black and White. I know there are shades of Gray; but if you continue to work on that attitude of yours, colour will soon start to fill your life.

In our next session I will finish off with Attitude by looking at some practical guidelines.


C u soon!

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