Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Attitude: Part 2

All right then...hope all is well and that you are ready and hungry for more of my thoughts on attitude. Are you still keeping to your scheduled ALONE time? If so, well done! I am proud of you!

Can you answer this? What word best describes what will determine our happiness, acceptance, peace and/or success?.......yes, that's right; our ATTITUDE!

Who's attitude? Mine, your friends, your bosses, your colleague's, the person that have just upset you? NO ~ YOUR ATTITUDE.

Did it ever occur to you how much unhappiness you have endured due to your attitude; or the lack there-of. In hind site, which is perfect 20-20 vision, one realises the mistakes of your attitude and you realize that it is to late to fix it. Don't wait until it is to late, make that attitude adjustment, NOW!

I have written about this in the previous post. Do you think that your attitude determines the relationship you have with other people? If your answer is YES, why then is it so; that for some people there is more difficulty in their attitude adjustment when presented with opportunity; than the other way around. If you are tuned in on the right frequency ~ i.e. positive attitude ~ you will quickly realize opportunity in every difficulty. Ask any successful business person in today's economic recession, they will tell you that the reason why they are still in business and are actually prospering is because they CHOSE to find the opportunity in the difficult times.

Go do some homework for yourself. Go the people or businesses you think to be successful and ask them why they are successful; almost all of them will tell you that they had to change there attitude. So, if you think you are defeated, then you probably are defeated.

I want you to do YOU a favour. Go and find yourself a song, obviously one that you like, that best describes your attitude in life right now or what you want your life to be like. Something like: "I did it my way" or "It's my life" or "I get knocked down; but I get up again" or "Money Money Money" or "Shoop Shoop song". Play this song over-and-over so that you are familiar with it. Soon you will find that this song will channel your thinking and if you chose the right song, you will find that it acts as an 'attitude adjuster'.

Attitude adjustment can be made through positive affirmations. Instead of wondering how you can tackle the problem; say to yourself: I can tackle this problem; head on. Make small little cue cards which you can stick against the fridge or on the mirror in the bathroom or in your clothing cupboard or in your car or in your school bag....anywhere you will see it regularly during the day. Write down keywords, like: Transform, I'm Happy, Be Strong, Success, I'm Confident, I feel good about myself, Help Others, Be Helpful. Even write your own affirmations, but keep them short and most importantly positive.

I want to end today's session by reminding you that your attitude is the only difference between success and failure!

See you tomorrow for Part 3 on Attitude.


  1. I did a communications course in my brief stint with MTN Emergencies & the guy running it played Michael Jackson's Man in the mirror and we looked at the lyrics....the essence of which I have here for you "If You Wanna Make The World
    A Better Place
    (If You Wanna Make The
    World A Better Place)
    Take A Look At Yourself, And
    Then Make A Change"

    So good to read your pages, Louis and be reminded of the tools we already have to change our lives and attitude!! :) Thank you.

  2. Dear Cheryl,

    It is a pleasure. I am so glad you like what you read and if it helps just a little bit to remind you how valuable you are, then GREAT!

    Keep reading and come back often to see what's new.
